SooGood: Smoothies & Coffee
Identity Development
Did you know the average toner cartridge takes upwards of 1000 years to break down in a landfill. For this project I was asked to research the environmental impact of a product, and design a way to convey that impact within a label. At the time I worked at MassArt's Computer Arts Center, on any given day I watched hundreds of prints get crumpled up and thrown away. As I researched into the impact of toners & inks I struggled to find a way to both evaluate the impact of toner cartridges, and to visually explain what I'd learned.
After extensive sketches of half cooked ideas I found myself using the language of print to describe the impact of each cartridge. Inherently the CMYK color allowed you to manipulate the overall color of each label. I began to develop a system of variables that conveyed print efficiency and overall environment impacts. By selecting two good attributes and two bad attributes it allowed me to create a system where high values of good attributes created a more overall green color, and high amounts of the bad attributes created a murky ugly color.
After my initial attempts to create a label that conveyed this idea, I quickly began to pair down my designs. Simplifying my design which each iteration until I was left with a label that was both glanceable and informative.
Identity Development
Identity Development, Website Design
Website Design
Website Design
Identity Development
Poster Design
Print Design
Data Visualization, Animation
Print Design
Identity Development, Animation